Everybody Grows Logo
Underground  Greens and Everybody Grows Collaborate to Make Farming Accessible
by Matt Higgins – March 2016
Maryna Higgins of Underground Greens and Jake Ifshin of Everybody Grows teamed up to bring residents at the Atrium Village assisted living home in Owens Mills, MD an accessible, indoor farm.
Lesko? Logo
Accountant Teaches Herself To Grow Urban Microgreens For A New Career
interview by Matthew Lesko – March 2016
On March 23, 2016 we had the pleasure of hosting at our farm the king of the free money infomercial and best selling author, Mr. Matthew Lesko and his wife Wendy and son Morgan. Without a doubt they are some of the nicest, most friendly people in our city. They were generous with their time and posted this terrific video on YouTube. We extend our sincere gratitude to them.
4P Foods Logo

Farmer Profile // Underground Greens

by 4P Foods – February 2016

Underground Greens is helping to redefine what the word farm means. Located in a warehouse next to Union Market, Maryna Higgins grows 18 different kinds of microgreens hydroponically.

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Customer Spotlight: Underground Greens

by Zack Hummel – February 2016

Maryna Higgins is the owner of Underground Greens, a microgreen business, which she started in her D.C. apartment in 2015. Higgins began by growing a few varieties of microgreens while testing the market, and early on she found that local chefs preferred having smaller, more frequent deliveries which Higgins then started to offer.

Farm to Feast Logo

Meet Our Local Microgreens Supplier

by Maryna Higgins – November 2015

Having  grown up in Eastern Europe, Maryna Higgins always had a close connection with the land and her family farms.

Borderstan Logo

Meet Maryna Higgins, Dupont’s Microgreen Grower

by Tim Regan – November 2015

They’re tiny, they’re nutritious, they’re tasty, they’re microgreens.
And Maryna Higgins, the urban farmer and Dupont resident behind D.C.-based growing company Underground Greens, seeks to put more of the small salad shoots on your plate.

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